
Making a Difference

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

Speaking with my aunt today has led me to dedicate this post to a topic I've felt strongly about for quite some time. I think that today's youth are not as conscious about making a difference as they should be. I'm not saying that we should all strive to be the President (not that that would be a bad thing) but a lot of people don't realize the small things they can do to change this world.

I'm going to start off with what is probably the first lesson we learn as children about making a difference, Recycling. I cannot believe how many of my friends and family do not recycle. Maybe its because personally it has become part of my daily life. I think the government can lend a had to people by placing recycling bins next to trash cans for people morning newspapers and plastic water bottles. I hate when the facilities exist for people to recycle and they ignore it. Its just as easy to place your empty Poland Spring in the correct recycling bin as it is to throw it in the trash can right next to it. The only thing that makes me more mad than people not recycling is people who litter. Living in NYC I am so tired of seeing trash all over the train on my morning commute. Every single train station has at least one trash can why can't you hold on to your garbage til you get off the train? I think if you can't do that much the you are not even mature enough to bring the food items, newspapers, etc. on the train to begin with. I understand that there is not a trash can on every corner in NYC but there is most likely one on at least every other corner, use them.

People also need to be more energy efficient. Everybody began driving less when gas prices went through the roof and even more in our failing economy but people need to continue that practice. Walk, ride bikes use public transportation its simple.

Pollution is something that we need to get a hold on. I don't think people realize the effects of global warming, but a day like today is a prime example. A temperature of 63 degrees Fahrenheit in February is just not normal. And for anyone to think it is, is absurd. I remember when one December in the past two years I was outside in a spring jacket.... not normal at all. And people keep saying stop complaining its nice out. Okay so it not freezing but the polar ice caps are melting, polar bears are drowning and the salinity of sea water is decreasing but hey... its a nice day. Just yesterday Tornadoes ripped through parts of Texas and killed 8 in Oklahoma due to unusually warm and we weather. Global warming. Look at all the hurricanes we've experienced these past couple of years. People need to start going green and stop acting like its so hard. There are so many INEXPENSIVE ways to make a difference. That will be my next post. The following is a clip of a polar bear fighting to survive.

I think youths need to get involved in thier communities as well as outside their communities. If every American young and old who was fueled by the past election put the same energy and time into a cause whether it be ending childhood hunger, poverty in America, the AIDS epidemic in Africa, Blood Diamonds, global warming, the war in Iraq, breast cancer, heart diseases or LGBT rights just to name a few, we could make a major difference in this world. So many people badgered me to vote on election day when honestly I didn't ask for or need the motivation. If people spread the word about any cause the way they did the election information so many people would be informed and so many people would know how to make a difference. Every Sunday I will write about a different nonprofit orginization to spread the word about how we can make a difference. One person can help start the wave of change.

There are so many other things I would love to talk about and express my opinions on but I will save them for another entry. These are just the top 3 pressing matters in my opinion that I wish people would focus on and really take an intitive to change.

Please comment feel free to add additional information you feel might help or just express your thoughts. Thanks for reading!


  1. you need to get this out to the national public, i think if more people think like you do, then the things you're hoping for in your blog could probably happen =]

  2. Note: if you want to do something "trying to make a difference" here is the web site to help out in your community. You can do a lot, or a little, it in "your own" neighborhood where ever you live. Check it out

  3. the sad thing about it is no matter how much you tell people that are destroying what they "love" they wont stop until its too late.....my generation and others to come need to wake up and stop wondering how to do the newest souja boy dance and wonder how to make their world a better place....im very happy that you spoke about this matter even tho the amount of eyes that should see it wont....now a days having a brain and being a teen is not common... and why would they feel they need to when the music is telling them to pop bottles and to have sex with models...the masses are blind to the reality thats clearly all around them
