
Political Cartoon

This entry is going to be short... due to many things going on in right now, but I had to speak on this issue.

It was brought to my attention that the NY Post's political cartoonist might be comparing our president Barack Obama to the ravaged monkey that was shot and killed by the police.

Now, some of you might think... well wasn't it okay when they said it about George W Bush.... But I guess it really wasn't. Yea we said Bush was stupid... but that was just a matter of opinion. I guess the problem here is African American's once again being referred to as monkeys is the cause for this alarm. People are seeing this as a racial blow. In the world of politics and political cartoons... all is fair... that's the reality. Although it can still be wrong... All is fair.

Rev. Al Sharpton is saying we should all boycott The NY Post. I'll leave that decision up to you.

Here is a quote from Al Sharpton taken from the Huffington Post's website.

"The cartoon in today's New York Post is troubling at best given the historic racist attacks of African-Americans as being synonymous with monkeys. One has to question whether the cartoonist is making a less than casual reference to this when in the cartoon they have police saying after shooting a chimpanzee that "Now they will have to find someone else to write the stimulus bill."

"Being that the stimulus bill has been the first legislative victory of President Barack Obama (the first African American president) and has become synonymous with him it is not a reach to wonder are they inferring that a monkey wrote the last bill?"

I am still on the fence at who exactly they are going after. But I just wanted to bring this to everyone's attention because I know not everyone reads the NY Post.

Also people have been saying they want to comment and do not know how... If you look right below this line, there is a bunch of information about the post and the very last thing says the number of comments (in an green text) click that and you will be able to comment.


  1. I don't know why folks think the cartoon is "troubling" it's how the people at the NY Post feel. These are also the same folks at Fox News Channel. I think America should get used to this kind of thing and deal with it appropriately. With a man of color in the white house, all kinds of hate is gonna come out of the closet. So get tough Black America, learn how to grin and bear it. However if you don't want to "bear it" then get political, learn who your local politicals are, get out your pens, and get cracking. It won't be easy, but if you want to make change, you have to get out there and do something.

  2. This cartoon, while distasteful, is a political cartoon. They are meant to be controversial, satirical and voice an opinion. For the past 8 years, Americans, both black and white, have been making similar remarks to Bush. I feel that if it was "OK" to make such statements about a white president, it should not change because the president is black. I do not agree with the cartoon at all, I think Obama is doing a fine job in office to date. My political feelings have nothing to do with this topic.

    It's unfair to expect there to be no opposition towards Obama, some people simply do not agree with his politics. I do not think every negative word, or image, directed toward him should be turned into a race battle. We need to move on from the fact that he is black. STop looking at him as a "black" president, lets just look to him as a president. The "hate" you speak of, was much more present when Bush was in office, Sharpton didnt get involved then.

    It's ridiculous, there is so much sensitivity involved with this presidency, it's impossible to disagree with the man without being turned into a racist! Should the Post have seen this coming when choosing to print this cartoon? yes, and i give them credit for running it anyway. I have a feeling that regardless of the "animal" chosen, they would have gotten similar backlash anyway.
